There is nothing that gives me more joy than seeing my customers wear the clothes I have made and having them be happy with the product. Last Saturday, Andy and I were invited to a wedding by the bride and groom for whom I made the silk painted wedding gown and matching vest. The wedding was in a quite unusual place for Japanese standards. Usually a couple goes to a hotel of their selection where they offer a whole package – from a rental dress, fake chapel built within the hotel, gifts for the guests to take home and even fake priest! Milo and Toko, the groom and bride of this wedding did everything handmade on their own in a camp site in a mountain in Japan. A place called Chichibu.
It is about three hours away from Tokyo. 2 hours in a train and about an hour by car from the closest station. No cell phone reception! Toko’s family made the matching bouquet and hair piece. All the food at the reception was brought by her family and neighbors.
Last but not least, this entire wedding was filmed for a Japanese TV show, “Why did you come to Japan? (Youは何しに日本へ?)”! The groom’s family was asked if the TV crew can follow them to see what they are going to do. I am not sure when it is going to be aired, but so excited see my dress and vest on national TV!
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